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[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimepar Lyli59750 Lun 9 Avr - 18:43

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 [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB

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3 participants
[SnR] K-You
[SnR] K-You

Messages : 3217
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2014
Age : 41

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Guilde: SnR¹ (Chef)
Level: 403
DPH: 1116B

[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Empty
MessageSujet: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû - 16:09

EA101 - Forum officiel a écrit:
[GAMEVIL needs to LISTEN!]WB Petition!


Stop The Nerfs! Fix the Real Problem!
Before we start I understand this is a wordy first post; to sum it up I am petitioning that World Bosses Need to be Fixed. If you believe World Bosses need to be fixed please post "Signed", "I will Sign", "I AGREE","I AGREE World Bosses need to be Fixed!" or something of that nature. After seeing your post I will add you to the petition roster.

My original goal is to get atleast 100 people to agree that World Bosses need to get fixed!

Everyone, I am a proud spender in Monster Warlords, I will not hide this. So lets recap The World Bosses!

The Normal World Boss has been open to all players for as long as I can remember (and I have been playing for over a year! A while back gamevil released 2 other World Bosses. One is for players that are between levels 1-80, the other is for levels 81-160. Most of the players(including myself) believe that this was to make it so that the lower level players could catch up to the higher level players and the spenders on the game. I am not going to bash their idea for making these world bosses, because it was a good thought.Gamevil has already released atleast 2 "[Gamevil Listens] "on world boss and until the more recent one has not done anything about the communities complaints! And although we are all happy with the current addition of prizes and jewels to the Normal world boss; Gamevil needs to listen to our other thoughts!

Current Issues
1. Since players that are lower level are getting more jewels each day than other players that are higher than level 160 people have no incentive to level up and go past level 160.
2. As more and more people get more and more monsters each day they are doing more and more damage (i know what you're thinking... WELL DUH ZAF it is the name of the game! get stronger! but this is the cause of issue #2 Because of all of this World Bosses are getting bigger and bigger HP buffs and causing only those people who have been in these world bosses for such a long time to get better and better prizes, which makes it so the low levels that are just starting are having harder and harder times to get better prizes on these bosses like they were intended to be used.

Ways to Fix this Problem
There are a ton of ways to fix this issue but a MASSIVE HP BUFF IS NOT ONE, of course from time to time you are going to need to increase the health so that the world boss is not going down in <10 mins but there is no reason to make the max HP of a World boss buffed any more than Double at most. Below are a list of ideas of how to fix the current issues that myself and the community see.

1. Add a World boss that is 161+
Here are some reasons. Everyone that is above level 161 wants this world boss because it is unfair that everyone else has a second world boss to fight! I agree with them! I am level 151 but I fully feel that they are getting screwed over! If this world boss got made the world boss would be a Supreme Monster. This dungeon would have the following ranked prizes for rewards:

Damage Rank Reward
Rank 1: 120 Jewels, S God x1
Rank 2-5: 100 Jewels, God x2
Rank 6-10: 80 Jewels, God x1
Rank 11-50: 60 Jewels, Ultimate x2
Rank 51-100: 50 Jewels, Ultimate x1
Rank 101-200: 40 Jewels, Chaos x2
Top 10%: 35 Jewels, Chaos x1
Top 20%: 30 Jewels, Ancient x2
Top 50%: 25 Jewels, Ancient x1
Top 100%: 20 Jewel

Attack Rank Reward
Rank 1: 120 Jewels, S God x1
Rank 2-5: 100 Jewels, God x2
Rank 6-10: 80 Jewels, God x1
Rank 11-50: 60 Jewels, Ultimate x2
Rank 51-100: 50 Jewels, Ultimate x1
Rank 101-200: 40 Jewels, Chaos x2
Top 10%: 35 Jewels, Chaos x1
Top 20%: 30 Jewels, Ancient x2
Top 50%: 25 Jewels, Ancient x1
Top 100%: 20 Jewel

2. Make World Bosses Based on Time not HP
Instead of making world bosses based on HP that can be dealt to them. Make all world bosses built on time limits. AKA All world bosses will have infinite help; where the HP meter is now will be replaced by a meter that diminishes as the time limit counts down. This will make it so that people are constantly using stamina and such to be top at world boss. If this is done the time per world boss should be between 1hour and 8 hours. This way most of the population will get a chance to hit the world boss and even get into top rankings.

Other things that need to be done:
UPDATE CURRENT MINI WORLD BOSSES!! Make it so that 81-160 is different boss than 1-80! Hell I would even argue the fact of making each world bosses prizes slightly higher; because if you do make them higher than they are you are just going to get more people to spend jewels to get those prizes!

[I am up for any other suggestions and if I see any others on this that I like I am more than willing to add them to this petition post; The suggestion of removing Mini World Bosses( the 1-80 or 81-161) is not a suggestion before Hidden says it...]


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[SnR]Zehelh™ ( Andox )
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[SnR]Zehelh™ ( Andox )

Messages : 1110
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2013
Age : 27
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[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Aoû - 5:30

y'a des truc interessant , mais le WB 161+ est vraiment minable x) , y'a trop de jewels et des monstre inintéressant , j'ai l'impression de revoir les WB d'y a 2ans ou t'avais 100jwls par jours juste avec le WB , cetait n'importe quoi , et a coté tu mettais 2 semaine a avoir un Ugod limite , surtout que la , sa a augmenter encore plus avec tout les tiers depuis , il devrais vraiment aretter des proposer de tout changer comme ca ces dernier jours Gamevil , et proposer des nouvelle chose , on vois bien qu'on arrive a la fin de MW malheuresement , les dev savent plus quoi faire c'est vraiment soulant !
Enfin bon , au moins il nous demendent notre avis ,c'est pas trop mal , esperons qu'il y'est quand meme des nouveauté le mois prochain , ( le nouveau/dernier tiers au moins... )
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[SnR] K-You
[SnR] K-You

Messages : 3217
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2014
Age : 41

Feuille de personnage
Guilde: SnR¹ (Chef)
Level: 403
DPH: 1116B

[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Aoû - 8:46

Plus qu'un mois avant l'anniversaire, j'espère qu'ils feront un truc spécial en plus de l'ajout des derniers monstres avant le palier, voir les 2 en même temps + un event combi 30%25% comme l'année dernière, je pense que je craquerais sur mes oeufs pour tout combiner même si le palier ne sors pas (au moins les mystères voir quelques cel/leg pour l'event collection des monstres). Je me souviens l'année dernière de mes 80% d'amélioration de dph avec cet event combi, là si je fais pareil ça sera awesome !!! afro
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Messages : 1515
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2013
Age : 49
Localisation : Ile de France

Feuille de personnage
Guilde: SnR¹
Level: 214
DPH: 198 000 000 000

[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimeLun 24 Aoû - 14:00

Pourquoi tu ressors ce post de 2013 alors que la dernière signature était en 2014 ?

T'as fumé ton bandeau guiness ?
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[SnR] K-You
[SnR] K-You

Messages : 3217
Date d'inscription : 19/05/2014
Age : 41

Feuille de personnage
Guilde: SnR¹ (Chef)
Level: 403
DPH: 1116B

[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitimeSam 29 Aoû - 19:19

lol! Fumer effectivement ! Je sort ByeBye
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MessageSujet: Re: [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB    [Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB  Icon_minitime

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[Forum Officiel] Pétition pour faire changer les WB
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